MEET ME HERE TOMORROW (AGAIN) October 30 - November 17, 2024
Exhibiting Artists: Lauren Baccus, Nuveen Barwari, William Bigby, Constanza Camila Kramer Garfias, Sophia Mainka, Ian O’Hara, Diana Sinclair, Malaika Temba
Curated by: Heike Dempster
2023 fellow in the Skidmore Art’s Department’s Workspace Residency Program Exhibition
Ortega y Gasset Projects
Group Exhibition: Nuveen Barwari, Rubens Ghenov, Sean Heiser, and Maria Walker
Curated by Zahar Vaks
October 22 - Dec 11, 2022
Gulistan, MFA Thesis Exhibition 2022, Ewing Gallery, Knoxville, TN
Gulbarin, the Red Arrow Gallery, Nashville, TN 2021
During the Artist reception on November 6, Barwari was joined by Pel Doski, a Nashville based poet for a live reading, in response to the work.
Gul Barin: A Smell so Sweet by Pel Doski
My grandmother has a sunflower field
She grows them so big,
bigger than my head!
And so tall…So tall I sometimes get lost!
Me and my friends,
we would run under her suns
and laugh a lot.
What a pretty sight --
so bright and so sunny.
But today I am lost.
I feel sleepy.
Like I'm surrounded by lavender.
There's a smell so intoxicating.
It smells so sweet,
and I am drunk.
Planes overhead go back and forth, and
they keep dropping flowers, and
they smell so sweet, so
we run to catch them.
I want to go to sleep
Under this shower of flowers.
They smell so sweet!
Sweeter than apples, and
brighter than the sun.
I close my eyes slowly, and
imagine lilacs are raining on me.
They smell so sweet!
It's rotting me from the inside.
I think I'll take a nap,
here with all of my friends.
We're in a field of daisies, and
it smells so sweet!
When I'm dead and decayed
and rotted and ugly,
just cover me in tulips and
douse me in nectar,
a nectar that smells sweet.
Place me on my father's rug,
so pretty and clean.
It smells so sweet!
Drape me in thin fabrics.
Cover my eyes gently
just enough so I can see,
just like when I’d peak around my
aunt’s dress, shly at our mehvan.
When my mother howls
at god's shrewd and unyielding hand,
give her a bouquet of chrysanthemums.
(Ones that smell sweet)
and wrap it in a ribbon.
Have my wake in a field of poppies,
white and pretty and spattered with red.
The poet's daffodil for me, please
and a lily for my sister.
Look at all of us,
so beautiful and neat.
Rows and rows of roses
clipped still young and thornless.
Look at us children of fire,
dancing on a mountain side.
Billowing in the wind like
My grandmother’s red dress.
Sweeter than tahin.
Brighter than sunflowers.
So pretty and so sweet.
Fall 2021, guerrilla art install, at the A&A building, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
2021 install shots of
Evîna Me Bê Sînore
our love is without borders
at Le Swamp gallery in Knoxville, TN
drawing the borders with chalk install shot 2021
Gul Baran/Gul Barin soft sculpture 2021, guerilla install in the A&A building at the University of Tennessee Knoxville
“Carpet Bombing”, Gallery 1010, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, 2020
“No Fly Zone” installation at the Coop Gallery, Nashville, TN 2020
2020 clip from dancing in the “no fly zone” installation at the coop gallery in Nashville, TN
“Cha, Cha, Cha”,
interviewing pel emriki 2020
2 half truths make 1 new truth
2020 installation in my parents upstairs living room
“Tiny Bomb”, studio installation 2020
LIT RUG install in the A&A building 2019 , UT Knoxville